Dental Infection Pathways Creative Process
1. The Early Stages
In the early stages we were provided with an extensive video and explanation from Dr Macluskey where we also met with her virtually to discuss the project s a whole. The forensic anthropology and medical students utilised this information alongside indvidual research to create storyboards to help explain the scientific process of these various tooth infections to the medical artists and programmer.
2. Starting on the models
Our anatomical art students got started on some initial sketches and modelling to establish what sort of design we thought suited best and how this would fit into a learning resource. We also experimented with the format of our resource. At first we were planning to create an app and a dynamic model to bring the tooth infections to life. At the same time, we starting building the website.
3. Experimenting with an App
To begin with,we were planning to create an app and a dynamic model to bring the tooth infections to life. At the same time, we starting building the website. We experimented with creating an app that would help the user explore dental infections in real time, with the website as a supplementary resource.
4. Deciding on a format and finalising the details.
Eventually we decided to focus primarily on the website, because it appeared to be the most approachable format for a wider audience and is a good way to incorporate all of our individual elements in one place. The result is the website that you can see here today.